We can find 1000 people to be friends with you but from all of it only a couples of person who can be your best friends.. But from all of it just one person, only one person that will be your true best friend.. The friend that you can count on and a friend that you know you can be completely honest with she.. But to find that special friend it never easy.. And it never will.. It maybe will take some time, some experienced some heart break and everything just to find that special person..
But lucky me I just have to wait 15 years to find that special friend (I hope).. It’s not easy cause in that time I lost a lots of my friends and lots more.. I always pray for God that one day He will show me the true best friend that I can be myself, completely honest with she and feel comfortable to talk anything with she.. Even the hardest thing that I keep in my heart that no one ever know it from bottom of my heart..
That person is Siti Nurul Akhmar (from what I found out) or I comfortable to call she Akhmar.. I can’t believe I just know she for what a month and a half?? And not to mention we never meet each other and not completely know each other and the fact we know from Twitter.. But I completely honest with she and tell me all my problem, my secret.. It totally weird if you know me cause it’s very hard for anyone to know all my problem and my secret from my mouth and most importantly from bottom of my heart.. But with she it totally a different story..
She never ask for it but I completely hard to keep everything from she.. I use to lie with she.. But it killing me every time I lie.. I never feel this feeling.. That’s why one day I wrote she a very long letter and tell my biggest secret.. I totally freak out waiting for her reaction.. I pray and ask God if this is the right thing to do and if He actually let me know she, not just a coincident.. But actually it a faith..
An answer that I been waiting for and the person that I can be completely honest with she.. And also a person that will take all the pain inside my heart.. If you know me you will know how hard to get the secret that I keep but again it totally a different kind of story with she.. I already has a heart breaking about my friendship.. I keep moving forward but they will never ever fade away from my heart cause what ever happen our friendship will always stay forever..
Siti Fatimah Az-Zahra or I call she Fatim (and she call me Ikah and she is the only person call me that) is one of my best friends.. The weirdest thing about us is we never can’t go with a day without arguing about stupid thing.. Without messing with each other and without keep annoying each other.. When she far away from me I found out that I totally miss she more than I miss my other best friends.. I miss how annoying she be when she keep call me each Saturday at 8 am.. When she stop doing it I really worry if she already forget me.. But then I know she still miss and remember me..
I still remember the first day meet she.. She is the new student from Kedah.. We both that time 9 years old.. We meet at our school kokurikulum.. She draw such a beautiful picture.. And I ask she to draw something to me.. A few days later she give me the picture.. And one year later when we both 10 years old and we on the same class and our friendship is more closer.. But 12 years old is the time our friendship is very close..
If I can only choose one friends to meet again I will totally choose she.. Cause she the only person that I ever hug!! Yeah.. The story is like this.. We together in tarik tali game.. It final and it totally important for us to win it cause it about our team will won the competition.. We never win it and we decide to win it and help our team won it cause it since forever we win that competition..
Our mission is never easy.. Our team that lead by me is not that big but other team is totally is big.. But it’s looks like our team is more confident and I’m so proud of my team cause if you a captain you always want to see your team have such a good confident.. And we win it!! The first thing I do after jumping is hug she!! And we realized it after what 5 seconds after that?! And we totally embarrassed but who care?? WE WIN IT!!
It’s hard for every friends of us to miss it.. And it totally one of hot news at school.. But we never ever speak with each other about that moment.. But when you remember that it like one of our best moment together.. She also the only friends of mine that will never said no to me.. And she still like that.. I wish I can meet she back one day..
I still remember when I found out she going to move to Pulau Pinang.. We spends lot of time together before she left.. And it’s hard to me forget every good moment with she.. After Akhmar she is a true friend of mine.. But still she can’t beat Akhmar cause only Akhmar I can be completely honest..
If we meet back trust me I will hug she back and I don’t care what everyone said cause I miss to hug she.. I totally is.. If I can I will never let it go.. You can say anything but for me she is the best thing that ever be mine.. Or at least one of the best thing that ever be mine.. And I will try my hardest to make sure no one can break our beautiful friendship.. I SWEAR!!
Syafiqah Zarifah Izzati.. Or I call she Zirafah.. haha.. I know okey stop laughing.. Is totally one of my best friend.. Her mom and my mom is totally a best friend and I was like her mom favorite student.. Cause of my great archievment at Nilam.. I know she since primary school.. And I still contact with she..
But I really not comfortable with she when we go to high school.. We go to different high school but still I know she change a lots and my friends that go to same school like she admit it.. She never talk about a boy and now she keep talking about a boy.. But still even she changed our friendship will never fade away from me..
Ain Syazwanie or I call she Ain.. Is the friend that I always sing together.. A friend that always join any sport than I in.. A very good friend.. When I know she going to another school it really make me sad.. I always miss she.. And too find a friend like she again, it going to be so hard.. But anyway we still in touch but it never going to be same again like what we use to has..
Who else.. Oh Hanis Izzati.. One of my friend.. We very close at primary school but not that close and still at High School.. When all my best friends moved away she like the only one.. In high school we always compete each other to be the best student at our class.. It maybe the second best but our teacher always count on us to beat student from the first class..
We always get the same point on exam in the same paper and our friends and us start to say we CHEAT each other?? NO WE NOT CHEAT!! For example I choose B on question number 5 when she choose C.. So of course we not cheating with each other.. Sometime I beat she and sometime she beat me.. But I always be the number one but I know if I slip one thing away she going to beat me..
But our friendship never break because of that.. We still contact each other.. And she like the one of the early person who wish me Happy Birthday.. I use to secretly go to her house even my mom won’t let me go.. haha.. She still don’t know it.. So don’t tell she!! And we use to has a great moment together..
Siti Kholisah or I call she Kuali.. haha.. And Farah Wahida who I call she Fafau because when I call her name she never answer it but when I call she Fafau she will answer it even tough she doesn’t like it.. Is one of my best friends at high school.. It’s hard to be far away from them but thank God because of Facebook we still contact each other..
I very close with each other especially Kholisah cause I close with she since we 7 years old and because our mom is friend and her mom also is my favorite teacher and her mom is the reason I so damn good at writing.. But to leave Farah is the hardest one for me because she always there for me and I always there for she..
Anisah.. My friend.. She loves everything what I love and her home is close from my house.. And if I can, I will go everywhere with she.. Well it because her dad don’t mind it.. haha.. We truly best friend before Akhmar come.. haha.. We still friend okey.. Can’t wait to get back and spend and waste our time together..
Nadia is my worst friends ever!! Sometime persons that you taught that you will not get along together is the best friend you will ever have.. Not the person that you choose to be your best friend.. I know she 3 months until I realized how worst she is.. When her got a problem with her boyfriend, I the person who be her place to get angry..
If at my house I totally can’t be patient.. But at school I totally can be patient.. But after that Anisah is the first person I will see and start cursing Nadia.. haha.. I don’t want to tell what’s wrong more with she but what you think about pengkid?? She is that person.. But whatever it is we still friend but honestly I always try to run away from she but she still a good friend..
Okey forget them.. Akhmar is my true best friend.. Cause she is the only one I can tell everything and the only one that I can count on.. Each of my friends has a unique character.. But Akhmar is the only one that I will tell everything and comfortable to be with.. So thanks Akhmar because be my best friend and help me solve my problem and take away every pain I keep.. BFF forever?? Love you forever and always and I enchanted to meet you..
Oh almost forget.. Dear Akhmar listen carefully.. I will never let our friendship go away like that.. Never cause all this time I waiting for a right person to come into my life so I can tell everything that killing me from inside and peace my mind.. So I don’t want to lose you.. I want to be your friend until we die.. I promise that.. And I hope with a help from God I know our friendship will be so smooth.. I also will try my best to be your best, best friends ever.. I swear that..
Since I know you I completely a different person in a positive way.. I more happy and my mind don’t always keep remembering all my problem that I keep inside.. I learn how to be Fearless and Speak Now when you around.. Yeah I know Taylor taught us that but for me when you come into my life I more Fearless and I more confidence to Speak Now.. And because of you to I more confidence to talk English..
One thing that I want you to remember.. We not going to break our friendship because we never meet yet and because of anything else.. For me you my true friend.. But for you about me I don’t know and I don’t care even tough I really want to know what you feel to be friend with me.. I will never let you go and I think as a friend if you get into MRSM next year you should take it..
I will be missing you but for me that is one of best school in Malaysia and you can’t just let it pass by like that.. And I won’t let you do it.. Cause one day you will regret it.. Trust me.. It really killing me when I can’t go to Sekolah Bukit Jalil 3 years ago because I’m not doing enough on UPSR.. And maybe that’s why I lose hope and quit school.. I don’t know but what sure is I never let you pass that chance..
But I always keep this in mind.. Trust you heart, follow your heart because your heart know better about yourself.. But anyway I just tell you that don’t pass that chance.. But all the decision is in your hand.. And one more thing if you have any problem I always ready to hear it and help you like what you did with me.. Thanks and glad that I know you.. –Atikah-
P/S: There is more friends that I'm not mention.. But they not so much special like persons I mention here.. But still they important to me..